Wednesday, April 27, 2016

mesothelioma lawsuits and Structured Settlements. MANIKBLOG

What is a structured settlement?

Structured settlements are an innovative method for compensating victims of injury. Authorized by the United States Congress since 1982 a structured settlement is:

A completely voluntary agreement between the victim and the accused injured.
In a structured settlement, an injured victim will not receive compensation for their injuries in a single payment. They are a stream of tax-free payments adapted to receive future medical costs, to meet the basic needs of life.
A structured settlement can be private agreements (eg in a preventive solution) or by a court order, which is often necessary in studies involving minors and incapacitated adults.

American General is the rating agencies and the financial strength of Sun America Financial Group, one of the largest insurance companies in the world at a premium. We are a leader in the structure of settlements, we are able to write not only one of the first companies, structured settlements, but we have written a better quality than any other company. Our services for the customer service more than 60,000 structured settlement retirees annually.

The US Congress has given the available time, injury victims are guaranteed to receive regular payments under our regulations injuries. By providing recognition of the value of a stable income stream for victims of injuries, exempt profits Congress is structured settlement. That's right - tax free. Expenses such as rent and medical bills for continuous payment of pensions were liquidated for some of your personal injury claim with a structured financing facility known reliably.


Structured settlements are supported by lawyers, legislators, judges and advocates for the disabled as they have seen first hand what. With injury victims whose financial security occurs eroded due to unforeseen circumstances

Structured settlements are considered a safety net for long term financial security to ensure peace of mind for individuals.
A structured settlement allows payments for victims over your life to adapt. They can be designed for almost any purpose.
You can make monthly payments to a paycheck or the creation of lump sums to account in future for future payments issues that college kids or retirement known to pay.
No need to meet regularly with a tax or investment advisor.
Payments are determined during the solution process. Peace, security and trust is given to long term,.

For more information on structured settlements, on the website of the National Association of Structured Settlement Trade

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